Chenggang Yan has done a lot of work to promote China-Europe extensive cooperation and he and his team also has maintained strong and sustained cooperation and working links with European insti-tutions and centers of scholarship. I recommend him as a foreign member of the Academia Europaea mainly based on his Europe wide activity in the following aspects:

1. Research Cooperation Platform: As the Director of the Research Office and a member of the Talent Training Committee of Hangzhou Dianzi University, he has led the establishment of 9 China-Europe research cooperation platforms between Hangzhou Dianzi University and research institutes in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, and Cyprus for academic ex-change, talent training, and industrial cooperation. Based on these platforms, hundreds of stu-dents and faculty members each year from China and European countries are available for ac-ademic exchanges or to pursue degrees in both China and Europe. Detailed information about these platforms is listed below:

  1. 2018/10/29 to 2024/10/28, Collaborative Agreement between the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom and Hangzhou Dianzi University, China;
  2. 2018/10/30 to present, Contract for a Traineeship within the Framework of an Educational Pro-gram and/or Research between Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, Belgium and Hangzhou Dianzi University, China;
  3. 2019/5/15 to 2024/5/14, Joint Duel Degree Program Agreement for “3+2” Straight Entrance be-tween Hangzhou Dianzi University, China and Institut supérieur de l’électronique et du numérique, France;
  4. 2019/12/18 to 2029/12/31, Co-operation Agreement for the Postgraduate Program in Electronic Science and Technology between Hangzhou Dianzi University, China and Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus;
  5. 2020/11/27 to 2030/11/26, Co-operation Agreement for the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering between Hangzhou Dianzi University, China and Université de Paris, France;
  6. 2020/12 to present, with Université de Paris to co-built Machine Learning and I-health Interna-tional Cooperation Base of Zhejiang Province;
  7. 2021/4/6 to 2026/4/5, Joint Dual Degree Agreement for Entry into the JUNIA ISEN Engineering Programme between Hangzhou Dianzi University, China and Junia Graduate School of Engi-neering, France;
  8. 2021/08 to present, with M-U-T AUSTRIA and Vienna University of Technology to co-built China-Austria Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing” The “Belt and Road” Joint Laboratory;
  9. 2022/5/20 to 2027/5/19, Implementation Agreement on Joint PhD Supervision between Dublin City University, Ireland and Hangzhou Dianzi University, China;

2. International Conferences: As chair or main organizer, Dr. Yan has organized 5 international aca-demic conferences in cooperation with European academic institutions. In particular, the Sino-Swiss Artificial Intelligence Conference, of which Dr. Yan is a co-founder, has held three consecutive summits in Switzerland (2017), China (2018), and Switzerland (2019) before the outbreak of COVID-19. The following is the information about these conferences.

  1. 2017 - 2019, Co-founder of the Sino-Swiss Artificial Intelligence Conference, gathered 800+ well-known experts, scholars, and business representatives from China and Switzerland in the field of artificial intelligence;
  2. 2019 - present: Area Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), held in London, United Kingdom in 2020, with around 1,000 submissions and 500 participants each year;
  3. 2022, General Chair of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Commu-nications hosted by the European Alliance for Innovation;
  4. 2021 - 2022, Co-organizer of the 3rd and 4th Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents on ACM Multimedia 2021 and 2022.

3. Cooperation Project: He participated in the establishment of 15+ Key/Major Programs between Hangzhou Dianzi University and research institutes in the United Kingdom, European Union, Belarus, Austria, Finland, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. And some cooperative project achievements have been industrialized and applied in China and European countries along the “Belt and Road”, with direct economic benefits of 320 million RMB and indirect economic benefits of 5 billion RMB, and have been reported by China Central Television, China Education News, and praised by P.R.C Vice Premier Yandong Liu. Moreover, since being elected as the Deputy Director of the Overseas Expertise Introduction Center in Control of Cyber-Physical Systems in 2018, he has introduced more than 10 national and international academicians to collaborate with Hangzhou Dianzi University.